Check this . Google Phone is all set to be launched tomorrow by T Mobile
Two days ago we posted some images of the new Google ‘Dream’ Phone which were recently leaked via a blog on the Internet. Sources claim that tomorrow, September 23rd 2008 marks the day of the official launch of the Google Phone by T-Mobile.
The HTC Dream will be the first ever handset to be powered by Android, Google’s free and open-source mobile operating system.
Android boasts an application marketplace of its own (just like the iPhone) and promises a smooth mobile computing environment. The real question here is: what makes the Google phone truly an iPhone killer?
Though we are going to find that out in a couple of hours once the specifications of the Google Phone go public but of all that we know of the phone so far, it will be not as sleek as the iPhone but will feature everything that the iPhone lacks such as a physical keyboard, free and open-source apps, mutitasking and copy/paste.
If there is one thing in Android thats really going to blow iPhone off the charts, its the addon applications available from the Android Market. Unlike the apps on the iPhone (which cost from $0.99 to as much as $999), the Android apps will be available totally free of cost.
The Dream will be available in the market somewhere in October this year at a price of $200.
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